We’ve celebrated the love of God together in our present worship (& fellowship) facility since 1997. By the world’s standards, our facility is not real attractive on the outside, but it is beautiful and filled with unconditional love on the inside! One of our beloved members once called it “a funky, boxy building!”

The building had another life before becoming a church. So if the first thing you look for in a church as you drive up to it is aesthetics, perhaps you will be disappointed. But if you should decide to come through the “Open Door,” you will experience the love of God in Jesus Christ that you have been looking for! If you are looking for a loving church family where all who come in peace are welcomed unconditionally, please visit with us! We think you’ll be glad you did!

“For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

NB: For some who have been a part of our congregation throughout the years, the fact that our facility does not look like a traditional church was a plus. They considered it instrumental in their healing process until they felt comfortable to walk into a traditional church setting again.