We remain centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ alone.
We believe that Jesus:
- Came to earth as Emmanuel (“God with us”);
- Gave His life on the cross to pay the price for our sin (our “missing the mark”);
- Was crucified, buried, and rose again bodily;
- Will return to earth once again to finally end all sin and its consequences of human suffering.
Consequently, we assert that humans will continue to fail in their efforts to solve the world’s dire problems because the promise of Jesus’ return is the only hope for this world’s redemption.
Additionally, we teach that God’s promise of the Holy Spirit’s Pentecostal power for believers is still available today. This power is manifested when God imparts the gifts of the Holy Spirit; when He wills to grant miraculous healing; and when He pours out the “Second Blessing” — the baptism in the Holy Spirit — which is a separate experience for empowerment to do “greater works” in Jesus’ name.